Proteins are known as the building blocks of life because they can be found in every single cell in the body where they help to repair damage and build new cells. Like a bicycle frame, they are the support structure for your body and they provide a framework for your bones and muscles. However, we are unable to store excess protein, so a consistent intake is essential. You may assume your diet has you covered but with the main dietary sources of protein being milk, eggs, cheese and red meat, if you are vegetarian or on any kind of special diet, you may not be hitting your requirement.
Nutrilite™ All Plant Protein is a balanced and healthy alternative to the more traditional forms of protein, and it contains all nine of the essential amino acids that contribute to good health. Quick, easy and very convenient, Nutrilite™ All Plant Protein can be mixed into food and drinks without impacting flavour. Try mixing a tablespoon of this vegetal sourced protein into your daily post-workout smoothie.
*Please check the official website of the European Food Safety Authority | EFSA sets population reference intakes for protein | 9 February 2012
According to need, add 1 scoop (about 10 g) of powder to milk or other drinks once or several times per day. Stir rapidly, or shake in a tightly-closed container, for 1 minute. Alternatively, sprinkle on cereals, soups, salads or other food.
Not recommended for children under 3 years of age without seeking medical advice before use. Keep container tightly closed. Store in a cool dry place. Product contents may settle during shipment. Net weight guaranteed.
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